You thought
we were joking?

years of experience
script drafts developed by groups of students
late-night comedy scripts developed by groups of students

The workshop, titled "A Toolbox for Humor in Management Education - from Award-Winning Instructors and an Emmy Recipient," was awarded by the Management and Development Division (MED) as the "MED Best Professional Workshop" for the session that offers the most significant contribution to the program during the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2023 in Boston.

The workshop provided insights into recent research on humor in management education, illustrated how humor works, and showed how humor can be successfully applied in the classroom and in online education by sharing best practice experiences.

André Martinuzzi interviewed by
Austria's national TV station (ORF)
on the concept of humor and sustainability.

As part of ORF's "Mother Earth" initiative, André Martinuzzi was interviewed about the course "Humor and Sustainability" in the Master's program at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

During the interview, André Martinuzzi emphasized that his goal is by no means to ridicule serious issues such as climate change or species extinction. Instead, he sees humor as an effective method for highlighting negative societal trends and unsustainable behaviors.

"Best of Austria Award" for educational project "Humor and Sustainability"

Environmental protection, social responsibility and sustainable development are not necessarily associated with humor, but rather with a guilty conscience. The WU Institute for Managing Sustainability has deliberately counterpointed the educational project "Humor and Sustainability" and conveyed scientifically correct content with humor and publicity.

The project was awarded the "Education for Sustainable Development - BEST OF AUSTRIA" award by the Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.

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2020 | International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation

Humor and Sustainability